These days, we’re a pretty sleep deprived collection of humans. Millions of people consider a good night’s rest a treat instead of a non-negotiable part of life. There are countless observations on the average ‘perfect’ amount of sleep for a person based on age and occupation, and just as many boasting the benefits of less sleep and more work (slave to the grind). But the truth is, a good nights rest can do wonders for more than just your disposition and outlook during your waking hours. It can also work wonders on your skin.
During sleep, your skin’s blood flow increases, and the organ rebuilds its collagen and repairs damage from UV exposure. That in turn helps reduce wrinkles and age spots. It also helps relax the muscles in your face and neck and gives your entire body a chance to repair itself.
It goes without saying, but bears repeating: wash your face before bed. Follow with the appropriate moisturizers and treatments. Go one step further and make sure your sheets and pillowcases are clean. There’s no point in putting a clean face on dirty linen.
Develop the very helpful habit of sleeping with your face entirely or mostly exposed to the air. Smashing your face into the pillow can cause creasing and may even encourage wrinkling.
Beyond beautiful skin, a good nights rest can also help with digestion, mood and productivity. So get some rest. Your body will thank you.